TinBots is an upcoming alternate Oz animated television series in development by the French studio Chouette. It will have a futuristic setting with various characters being robots. Since their website has an English section, it can presumed the show will be localized but it is yet to be announced which network or service is going to air it.
All of EvOz is buzzing with excitement! Everyone is talking about just one thing: after a ten year hiatus The Emerald City, the legendary TinBot factory, is about to begin production again! What’s more, the factory’s owner-inventors, known as Wizards, have announced the biggest TinBattle competition EvOz has ever seen: The Yellow Brick Challenge!
For Dorothy, Leon, and Rusty, this is a dream come true: a chance to prove themselves as well as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the famous Emerald City! Along with thei TinBots, Ozma and Scarebot, our three heroes will follow the famous Yellow Brick Road, eager to face even the most intimidating adversaries.
For the ultimate grand prize is the chance to enter the celebrated factory itself, The Emerald City, and, even more importantly, the opportunity to meet its all-powerful owner-inventors: the mysterious Wizards!
This project was announced on June 6th, 2019 but without much updates since then.