The Wizard of Oz is a considerably unknown anime adaptation that is known from an IMDB listing. It was released on October 12th and might have been titled Sugar & Spice: The Wizard of Oz with the tagline "Special Stories For Little Girls".
It is not to be confused with the 1991 anime adaptation or the 1983 OVA adaptation.
English Cast[]
- Christine Lippa as Dorothy Gale
- Scott McNeil as Uncle Henry and Munchkins
- Cathy Weseluck as Aunt Em
- Lee Tockar as Toto and Wolf
- Kate Robbins as Glenda
- Ian Corlett as Scarecrow
- Britain Durham as Tin Woodman
- Michael Donovan as Cowardly Lion
- Doug Parker as the Wizard of Oz and Guard
- Barbara Whiting as Wicked Witch of the West
- Norma MacMillan as Narrator