Oz Wiki
Oz Wiki

Number Nine is a 12-year-old Munchkin boy who served as the assistant, first to Jenny Jump in her style shop, and then to the Wizard of Oz in his laboratory.


He is called Number Nine because he is the ninth of the fourteen children in his family. He is a handsome youth, deeply loyal, and hardworking (when he has to be). He maintains the age of twelve because it is the custom in his family: the boys choose to stop growing at twelve, the girls at ten.


Number Nine met Jenny Jump on the day of her arrival in Oz. He tossed his hat in the air, forgetting that its strap was under his chin; Jenny leapt into the sky on her fairy foot to bring him back down. After the rescue, Number Nine attached himself to Jenny — though she took advantage of him, working him like a slave. She had him wear whistling breeches that whistled louder the slower he moved — making it hard for him to get any rest. (The Wonder City of Oz)

After the Wizard re-ordered Jenny's personality and status, Number Nine secured a more desirable position, as the Wizard's assistant. (The Scalawagons of Oz)
