The Munchkin River is a river that flows through the Munchkin Country of the Land of Oz, having its sources in the northeast corner of the Gillikin Country. It interrupts the path of the Yellow Brick Road near a Poppy Field. Its principal tributary drains the southern Munchkin Country, including the River Argent. The lower reaches flow near the Wogglebug's College of Art and Athletic Perfection before draining into Lake Quad.
The Scarecrow was briefly stranded on a pole in the middle of the river. He was rescued by a passing Stork (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz). In The Ozmapolitan of Oz, Melody the River Princess, a fairy whose domain is the Winkie River, says one of her three sisters inhabits the Munchkin River.
In his non-canonical Dorothy of Oz, Roger S. Baum includes a voyage through the Gillikin Country on the Munchkin River on a tugboat named Tugg. Some of this is featured in the animated film Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return.