Oz Wiki

This castle was the home of the Wicked Witch of the West and served as her base of operations. It was located high on top of a large mountain in Winkie Country. It was inhabited solely by the Witch and her army of Winkie Guards. The castle was one mile from the Haunted Forest. (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)

The Tin Woodman was chosen to be chief of the Winkies after the Witch's death, and moved into the castle. However, he found it damp and inconducive to his well-being, so he left the castle and moved into a new Tin Palace.

Non-canonical appearances[]

The Witch's Castle is depicted in most stage and screen adaptations of The Wizard of Oz, beginning with the 1939 film. (It may have appeared in some lost silent films.)

It is also an important setting in Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz, where Wilhelmina Witch has become the new mistress of the castle.
