Broomstormers is the second segment of the 20th episode of Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz's Second Season.
It debuted February 23rd 2020 in Canada.
Teletoon summary[]
The Wicked Witch and Mean Jeanne the Green expect to finally settle their 500-year rivalry in the ultimate match-up at the annual Broomstorming Sweepstakes.
- this revisits the Witches Market
- Wicked Witch of the West is nicknamed "double double-U" (WW) much like how she just signed her name "Wicked Witch", even though the "Wests" aspect gets a focus here
- Wil is nicknamed "green pea" and "green apple"
- the name of the Wicked Witch of the West's broom is revealed to be Hex which neighs
- Dorothy addresses her as "Miss Wicked Witch"
- events in the sweepstakes include Broom Slalom, Cackle Wackle and Fluppity Floop
- "the family" that the Wicked Witch of the West and Wilhelmina Witch belong to is described as the Wests, which probably means no close relation to the Wicked Witch of the East
- although the summary of the episode describes Jeanne and the Wicked Witch having a 500 year rivalry, the only reference to this length of time in the episode is mentioning this is how long the trophy has been in the Wests family name
Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz Season Two Episodes |